Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Still on track.....

It feels like a good time to take stock of where we are now I’ve finished reviewing the systems from last season.

Most of those who have subscribed to the service next season were sent a diary detailing how my workload was planned for this Summer. The eagle-eyed amongst you keeping check on my progress may think I’ve slipped by a week but in reality, I have stuck to the diary like it’s my bible! What I did do though was start looking at Euro ratings and the new Euro Draw systems soon after the season ended as quite simply, I was getting bored writing the Est Systems and New Systems reviews!

I know it’s hard to believe at times given how much I write on the blog and how long my blog posts are at times but I’m much comfortable playing with data in Excel or SAS rather than writing words down on a page.  Therefore, spending 3 weeks writing reviews of the season past isn’t really my idea of fun! To try to break this up for me (other ‘normal’ people would go for a walk or watch TV!), I decided to start refreshing the Euro ratings and start building the new Euro Draw ratings for next season. Therefore, I have adjusted the diary to take this into account:

As you will see from the above diary, I am exactly where I hoped I would be at this time of the Summer. If anything, I’m a couple of days ahead of schedule which may mean I get a weekend off this weekend to get on with building some furniture for the nursery! I’m terrible at DIY, so I suspect I’ll probably try to put this off for even longer and throw myself into more football data but my wife is starting to keep as close an eye on the TFA diary as I am. :)

I have refreshed the Euro ratings and being honest, there isn’t too much to share in terms of changes. I intend on doing a summary post once I’ve refreshed all rating algorithms but I won’t be restating historical results or going into any detailed results.

The next post should be a summary post which I see is a more general review of the season we’ve had and my own thoughts on what we learned from it and how we use this information going forward. I’ll try to do some data analysis on funky things (P&L by league, by team) for a bit of interest as I’m sure we’d all like to know which teams cost us last season even though it’s only for a bit of fun. I’ll try to keep this post fairly light hearted as I’m sure we’ve all got a little fed up reading reviews of last season!

After this, it will be a post on the European Draw systems. Really keen to see how these look and although I’m not quite there with the system building (I’ll finish it this week), the results look very good. Of course, the results ALWAYS look very good for my systems before they go live, so we won’t read too much into these results but it will be interesting to see what they are anyway.

I think after that, things will quieten down on the blog and I’ll be busy with data manipulation for 3 weeks solid. I’ll be taking some time off my day job to basically work solidly on the ratings as quite simply, doing this in 2 hour blocks is painful. If I can sit down and spend 8-10 hours doing this, I can get so much further than trying to do it every evening for a few hours. That’s my aim anyway and I’ll dedicate a day a week to doing these ratings as well as the other time in the evenings.

Anyway, that’s a quick overview of where I am and how things are coming along. At the moment, I’m on track…….

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