However, any detailed analysis of the month and the performance of the systems, the number of draws, the profitability of H/A v DNB and so on will be done on the main blog and not in the monthly review section.
September 2011
A truly shocking start to the season for all the systems, old and new.
The established systems managed to lose 86pts from 274 games which is quite difficult to do I suspect. DNB betting wasn't much better with a loss 62.8pts. The strike rate for winners was only 23% this month across all the systems which is remarkably low. I haven't looked at the average odds just for this month (don't want to over analyse!) but long-term, it tends to be about 2/1. You don't need me to point out that 23% is far too low to make a profit!
The first blow for these systems was on the 10th when only 3 games were correct out of 50 which resulted in a monster loss of 43.9pts for H/A and 23.6pts for DNB.
The 13th was much better though with a profit of 32.8pts for H/A and a profit of 26.6pts for DNB.
After the first two weeks of the season, things hadn't exactly gone to plan but the systems were only making a small loss.
However, the last two weeks of the month saw a loss of 73.5pts for H/A (59.2pts DNB) in total. 28 wins from 156 games is about as bad as you can ever do I think at football betting!
In terms of individual systems, it was a disaster everywhere. System 8 (which was the strongest single system last season) has only found 1 winner from the first 16 bets this season. System 22 has only found 2 winners in 13 bets and when the two strongest systems struggle, it's going to be very difficult for the combined systems.
All the combined systems struggled badly although systems 7-22 and 8-22 didn't have many bets this month which implies there weren't too many very strong bets this month. That has maybe been reflected in the results overall?
The new systems had their first live month this month and amazingly, produced a lower strike rate than the established systems! The strike rate was only 22.4%.
A similar story to the other systems though with a loss of 67.2pts from 245 games for H/A and a loss of 41.9pts for DNB.
Again, looking at individual systems, it's hard to see too many positives. 31 performed better than 32 which in turn performed better than 33. Totally goes against what all the backtested and backfitted results showed. The same comment is true for the established systems this month though and they have a season's live results too.
I think the month is summed up nicely by the systems TOX, STOY and STOZ. I haven't hid my excitement for these new systems and long-term, I would expect these systems to be amongst my best performing systems. However, 3 wins from 22 bets this month just about sums up the month as a whole. Useless.
Here's the stats below for the month for each system.
October 2011
A remarkable month which was in total contrast to last month!
The established systems managed to make a profit of 98pts for H/A betting and a profit of 58.6pts for DNB betting. The strike rate was only 39.9% this month but the average odds were above the 2/1 mark on the month, so you can see why a profit was made.
In terms of the daily P&L, this month was about as smooth as you can get I think. Only two bad losing days in the month with the rest of the days either very small losses or decent profits. The highlight of the month was obviously the final betting day with a profit of 62pts for H/A and 35pts for DNB on the day.
As for the individual systems, one of the special months where every system made a nice profit. System 7-22 did best in terms of ROI whereas system 6 produced a whopping 15pts profit on the month.
System 7 was possibly disappointing in the month but it’s hard to knock a 10% return in the month.
Overall, I have to pleased with the returns this month and the established systems have now had 8 winning months from 11 live months. The overall ROI for the combined systems since they went live is up at 14% for H/A betting and 11.6% for DNB betting. Not bad over 1,292 bets so far.
The new systems also had a good month although not quite as good as the systems from last season.
A profit of 60.3pts for H/A betting and a profit of 39.8pts for DNB betting. Again, a very steady month with only a couple of large losses during the course of the month before a bumper payout at the end of the month.
All of the systems involving the 3rd algorithm made a profit on the month but the big letdown in the month was the 3 new systems which aren’t based solely on my ratings. Systems TOX, STOY and STOZ are based on a Similar Game Methodology and so far this season, it just hasn’t worked like it did in backtesting. I may be mad (you can quote me next month!) but I honestly believe that these systems have the potential to be the best systems I have. Obviously, it doesn’t look like it at the moment but I still believe these systems will come good. Time will tell but I’m more confident in these systems than I am in some of the other systems!
Star of the month was undoubtedly system 32 which created a profit of 23pts at an ROI of 40.4%. System 31 wasn’t far behind and when you think that system 31 could have easily had another 15pts profit on Saturday instead of 3pts lost, you realise how good a month it could have been for this algorithm this month!
Here’s the stats below for the month for each system.
November 2011
Well, last month was a remarkable month and one which I thought I’d struggle to beat in the next 5 years, never mind the following month. Amazingly, this month is a much better month than last month!
It was always the case that there would be less bets in November due to the FA Cup taking place and an International week, so I had mentally assumed that any profit or loss achieved in the month could never be anything like October. I was wrong……….
The established systems made a profit of 107.7pts for H/A betting and a profit of 56.8pts for DNB betting. Although the pure P&L figures are only slightly above last month’s figures, they were achieved in less than 50% of the bets!
There were only 224 bets this month, so the ROI for H/A betting is 48.1% and the ROI for DNB betting is 25.4%.
The daily P&L was about as good as you can get on betting with profits made every time the systems had bets, apart from last weekend. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were the only losing days in the month which is quite remarkable.
The highlight of the month was undoubtedly Saturday 19th Nov when the systems made a profit of 77.2pts from only 69 games. I also personally liked last night when the systems had 16 bets and hit 16 winners. Only two bets in reality but knowing when to stake the better bets is key to betting and my systems know how to spot a bigger value bet!
Unlike last month, not every single system managed to make a profit. System 8-21 actually suffered a 0.4pt loss on the month from the 3 bets. I’ll put that down to a lack of turnover on the system. Every other system made profits and it’s actually difficult to pick out a single system as being the star of the show.
System 22 hit 7 winners from 10 bets for a profit of 15.8pts and an ROI of 157.7%, so this isn’t bad.
System 6-22 hit 6 from 9 for a profit of 12pts and an ROI of 132.9%. System 7-21 hit 9 winners from 15 bets for a profit of 15.6pts and an ROI of 104.1%.
I could go on and on but I should also mention my own personal fav, system 7-22. Everyone knows this is the best system I have and it only found 6 bets this month. However, it hit 4 winners for a profit of 6.9pts and when you add the fact it hit 10 winners from 19 last month, you can see why I told everyone that I had most faith in this system this season. :)
Overall then, the 9th winning month from 12 months that the systems have been live and I have to be pleased with that. The combined systems are now sitting with a profit of 233.3pts over the same period with an ROI of 17.1%. Not sure how this compares to other football systems over the last season and a bit but it isn’t too shabby I suspect. Interestingly, even if we look at DNB returns over the same period, there is a profit of 178.5pts and an ROI of 13.1%. This is pretty good considering you have the insurance of the draw on your side.
The newer systems didn’t quite achieve the same level of results as the above systems but even so, the returns aren’t bad I suspect when you compare them to other football systems in the market. A profit of 30.1pts for H/A betting from the systems on algorithm three and a profit of 15.4pts for DNB betting. Considering there were 182 games, that’s still a ROI of 16.5% and 8.5% respectively.
The Similar Games Model systems had their first good month this season thankfully. A profit of 14pts for H/A betting and a profit of 12pts for DNB betting. There were 44 bets, so an ROI of 31.8% and 27% respectively.
It’s still early days for all these new systems this season and they only have 3 months proofed results behind them. Although they may struggle to live with many of the systems from last season, if I only had these new systems, I’m sure that a couple of these would be on course to become some of the best systems in the market. System 32 for example has a profit of 22pts this season from 111 bets. An ROI of 19.8% is exceptional for a footie system and if it continued in this vein, I’d be really pleased. However, it would still only be the 3rd or 4th best system I have and therefore, you can see the strength in depth of these systems. I’ve not just got one system that looks good, I’ve got a few.
I say this every month but we’ll see what happens next month. I’d happily take a month of consolidation but every month tends to be a really good month or a nightmare, so we’ll see what happens!
Here’s the stats below for the month.
December 2011
After a rollercoaster first 3 months of the season, I can’t say I’m too surprised that this month was actually a much a quieter month on the P&L front. However, in terms of the established systems, it is actually the second lowest profitable month the systems have had since they went live and if I look further back, it is only the 5th month in 50 months where the ROI is in single digits (less than 10%) when it has been a profitable month, so it isn’t a regular occurrence to have a quiet month. After the last two months, having a month of consolidation is no bad thing I suspect as we manage to hold onto the profits from last month.
It’s funny, now I’ve written the first paragraph (reads like it was a break-even month), I can state that the established systems made a profit of 26.6pts for H/A betting from 295 bets and that’s an ROI of 9%. Hence, it’s actually far from a break-even month but these days, when the systems ONLY achieve a profit of 9% in a month, it feels like a quiet month! It’s funny how success can breed complacency at this betting game…..
The newer systems had a much tougher month this month though and for the second month this season, a loss has been made on the newer systems. A loss of 35.1pts from 250 games for H/A betting.
Interestingly, it wasn’t a great month for DNB betting on the established systems (ROI of 2.4%) but on the newer systems, backing DNB would have reduced your losses to 23pts from 35pts. As you would expect, when a profit is made on the systems, covering the draw reduces the profit but when a loss is made, covering the draw helps to minimise the loss.
I always feel a little harsh on DNB returns on the blog as it includes backing DNB on home bets when in reality, if you are backing a 10/11 chance at home, covering the draw can’t really be a profitable angle long-term I suspect and this is backed up by my historical results.
Anyway, overall, a profit on the established systems again which means that a profit has been made for 10 of the 13 live months of bets. A pretty impressive record. The newer systems are now sitting with 2 profitable months from 4 so far this season, so a fairly big bit of improvement is going to be needed for these systems if they are to continue past this season.
In terms of individual systems, it was another exceptional month for algorithm two. System 21 achieved an ROI of 18.7% and system 22 achieved an ROI of 20.9%. System 8-22 achieved 3 winners from 4 bets in the month and an ROI of 75% was achieved.
It was a tougher month for algorithm one this month and ultimately, that’s what has led to a tougher month for the systems. A lot of people have questioned at times why I run different algorithms for the same matches and simply, it is a tactic to try to reduce the risk and variance involved with football betting. Quite often, one algorithm may be on fire and the other one may struggle but at the end of the day, that’s the point of the combined systems. These only throw up bets when the two algorithms agree and as I’ve shown over the past 18 months, there isn’t a better football system that I know of that produces the returns that the combined systems produce.
This month, the combined systems had a very quiet month too and actually achieved a lower ROI than all the established systems in total. However, if I look at the 10 months of profitable results to date, it is only the second time that the combined systems ended with a lower ROI than all of the established systems combined. Of course, for the 3 losing months the systems have had, the established systems had a much better ROI as it’s a function of ROI when you have a losing month that having more bets produces a better ROI.
Overall, an ROI of 6.8% on the combined systems isn’t a disaster and brings down the ROI to 16.4% this season and 16.3% for all live proofed bets on these systems (1,478 bets), so it’s nice to see this season is bang in line with historical live results.
System 7 and 7-21 made small losses in the month but apart from these, all other established systems made a profit in the month again.
For the season to date, system 7-22 remains the star performer with an ROI of 37.4% this season and an ROI of 28% for all proofed results.
I feel like I should again (for the 4th month running) make specific reference to the SGM systems. Another losing month for these systems (3rd time in 4 months) and therefore, I’ve decided to reduce the number of filters on these systems now. It may well be a case that I’ve backfitted something that worked very well during backtesting (worked amazingly well over the last few seasons of testing) but for whatever reason, the same filters haven’t worked this season. This leads me to believe that the trends we are witnessing this season in terms of rating games by shots on goal may not be the same trends we’ve witnessed over the past few seasons but of course, it hasn’t stopped my 3 algorithms from performing well. All it means is that any system which is based on looking for similar profiles of games this season which have proved historically profitable may not be doing well this season. I believe that this is backed up from looking at the results of some other football ratings services that are monitored by the Secret Betting Club as the systems build on these ratings have not performed this season to date.
Anyway, I’ve changed the criteria for these SGM systems and we’ll see what happens. I was following them with small stakes and still am doing but I’m not exactly confident that they’ll still be here next season. It’s 1.01 that they won’t be alive next season I suspect!
January 2012
It feels a little strange writing a monthly review for January considering it’s been two weeks since there were any bets in the month but I’ll try my best to remember what happened during the month!
It turned out to be a profitable month in the end for both the established systems and the new systems but it felt like a struggle for most of the month if I’m honest.
Overall, the established systems achieved a profit of 49.1pts from 294 bets for H/A betting. A profit of 19.2pts was achieved for DNB betting.
Looking at the systems more closely, we can see that it was a great month for systems 6,8 and 21. This also translated into good profits for systems 6-21 and 8-21 as you would expect.
Unfortunately, systems 7 and 22 struggled a little this month which impacted the majority of the combined systems. Overall, no system lost more than 0.5pts though, so a poor month for some of the systems but not a disaster of a month by any means.
On the other hand, the new systems actually ended up with a very profitable month this month with all 9 systems making a profit. I’ve not said this so far this season but it was a great month for the SGM systems in January. All 3 systems achieved good profits although system STOZ lagged behind the other two systems a little.
System 32 struggled to match the efforts of systems 31 and 33 but overall, all 3 systems made good profits.
Looking at the all the new systems in totality, a profit of 85.9pts was achieved from 288 bets for H/A betting. For DNB betting, a profit of 44.8pts was achieved.
We’ve now passed the halfway mark this season and I suspect we’re entering a much tougher period for the systems now. Historical results have shown that this period is a much tougher period to make profits and therefore, the next 4 months are key to this season’s performance.
The established systems have now achieved profits in 11 of the 14 live months with a profit in 4 of the 5 months so far this season. Hopefully they can keep that run going in February but we’ll see what happens.

February 2012
It should be pointed out that the first bets in February actually took place on the 11th of February. The early part of the month was missed due to me being away on my honeymoon.
History will show that for the established systems, it was a nothing sort of month with a small loss on the systems overall but importantly, a small profit on the combined systems. That makes it 12 profitable months out of 15 on the combined systems and also the 5th profitable month in a row on the systems. Admittedly, the total profits for the last 3 months aren’t even close to the profits achieved in October or November but I guess every month can’t be as good as these two months!
One thing that is worth mentioning about this month is that for the first time ever in the history of the systems, the combined systems have made a profit when both rating algorithms have made a loss in the month. This is even more surprising given the fact that system 6-21 has had a shocker of a month too. I think we all know that my systems are probably the best thing we’ve seen when it comes to highlighting the best bets but I reckon what we’ve seen this month is astonishing. Algorithm one had an ROI of -20.5% and algorithm two had an ROI of -26.1%. The combined system 6-21 had an ROI of -22%, so even the combined method of picking bets that only appear on each algorithm couldn’t save the day this month.
So, 6-21 ended up with only 15 winners from 54 bets. Dreadful. Usually, when picking from such a bad sample of bets, you’d find it very hard to filter the bets to make a profit but somehow (don’t ask me why!), systems 6-22 through to 8-22 all had a storming month!
6-22 picked only 8 of these 54 bets and managed to hit 4 winners! 7-21 picked 10 of these bets and got 6 winners. 7-22 only liked 4 of the bets and amazingly, hit 3 winners from the 4 bets. 8-21 hit 5 winners from 7 bets and last but definitely not least, 8-22 took these 54 bets, picked out 3 bets and found 3 winners. Considering the sample had 39 losers and 15 winners, to hit 3 from 3 is exceptional going.
Overall, the combined systems actually managed to make a profit of 11.5pts from 86 bets for H/A betting and a profit of 3.4pts for DNB betting. To do that in a month when the base algorithms are losing badly is something pretty special.
Unfortunately but not too surprisingly given the fact the systems are nowhere near as powerful as the established systems, the new systems struggled badly. It wasn’t helped of course by system 31 losing badly and 2 of the combined systems relying on systems 6 and 6-21 to save the day. Therefore, it was lambs to the slaughter for the new systems this month as none rely on systems 6-22 to 8-22.
Overall, a loss of 49.5pts for the new systems when betting outright and a loss of 34.5pts for DNB. Disappointing but being honest, when my ratings underperform, I’d expect the systems to do badly.
One thing I have said on the blog is about the fact that this month felt horrible. I think this is backed up by the fact that the established systems had bets on 10 days in February and 8 of these days were losers. Therefore, when I’m updating results, it does feel pretty bad and when you are mostly losing, it isn’t a nice feeling, even though if at the end of the month when you count up your P&L, you find you are in front.
I think this month only goes to reinforces a couple of points that many of us already know.
1). My ratings aren’t invincible – they’ve lost badly this month and being honest, haven’t done well for a few months
2). The performance of the established combined systems isn’t correlated as closely to the underlying performance of the ratings as you would think
3). The established combined systems are definitely the place to be when it comes to following the bets – which we already knew anyway!
4). The new systems are nowhere near as strong as the established systems – which has been proved already this season I think
Overall, I’m disappointed with how the systems have performed in the month but all credit goes to the combined systems again. 12 profitable months out of 15 is pretty exceptional for any system or set of systems.
March 2012
The first thing I should point out about March 2012 is how busy a month it was. The established systems had the second highest number of bets in their history in March (including all backtesting). The new systems had the highest number of bets in their history!
Wow. I hadn’t noticed this until I looked at the monthly results as I tend to not overanalyse months until the end of the month but this is actually quite stunning! What has caused this? Well, traditionally, March tends to be one of the busiest months of the season (no cup action for lower leagues and more midweek games) but I think this season, we had some games off in late Jan/Feb due to the weather and these were rearranged for March. Therefore, the sample of games to choose from has been bigger in March I guess and this has led to more bets than expected.
As we worked through March, I can honestly say it felt like the month was never ending. The fact it also proved to be a really tough month for the majority of the systems meant it probably felt longer than it was but having looked at the number of bets, I sort of see why I thought it was a long month!
Anyway, this is meant to be a monthly review and I’ve not started yet.
First things first, it is the 13th profitable month out of 16 for the combined systems and the 6th profitable month in a row for these systems. That is an amazing run of consistency and I’m really proud of this aspect. It’s one thing to create an edge at this game but it’s another to be able to maximise it like I’ve done whilst striving for a really smooth P&L.
Last month, I found it amazing that my systems made a profit when the base ratings lost badly but this month, my ratings have performed much better. Algorithm one has an ROI of 10.3%, algorithm two has an ROI of 21.6% and algorithm three has an ROI of 24.6%.
To see all 3 algorithms make a brilliant profit on the month is great. It’s easy to build winning systems if your ratings are making money and this month, they’ve done really well.
As you’d expect, this manifests itself into decent profits for the systems.
The established systems made a profit of 65.9pts for H/A betting this month. A profit of 48.5pts for DNB betting. The 3rd best month of the season.
Systems 6 and 21 had storming months which meant 6-21 had a great month. Systems 7,8 and 22 didn’t have a great month though. If you read last month’s summary, you’ll see it is the complete opposite to last month! Even so, system 7-22 still had an ROI of 23% and 8-22 had an ROI of 33% but they had a small sample of bets this month. Still not a bad return on the month though.
Looking at the 3rd algorithm returns, you’d hope the new systems would do well this month and boy, have they done well! A profit of 112pts for H/A betting and a profit of 104.8pts for DNB betting. Their best month in terms of points won since they went live and actually the best month since November 2008.
Amazingly, 3 of the systems made small losses on the month. Therefore, the other 8 systems have created more than 126pts profit this month. Stunning!
The systems that have probably been discussed the most on the monthly results page this season has been systems TOX, STOY and STOZ. I had massive hopes for these systems this season but for whatever reason, it just hasn’t clicked for them at all.
Well, that all changed this month and all 3 systems had a great month. Long overdue but if they can keep this form going for the next two months, they could still end up with a very decent return for the season. That would be amazing considering they were loss making in the first half of this season! Would definitely leave me wondering what would have happened if they had clicked earlier on this season…..
So, all in all, a pretty stunning month if I’m honest and makes all the hard work in March worth it. We’ll see what the next two months bring.
April 2012
Well, it only feels right that I should start this review by
saying that it has been the 7th profitable month in a row for the 6
combined systems. It actually takes the overall
results for these systems to 14 profitable months in 17 live months. The backtested results before the systems
went live last season was 4 losing months in the previous 24 months, so in a
way, I shouldn’t be overly surprised that they’ve produced these results but it’s
very rare for a set of systems to match the backtested results as well as this!
The star of the show for this month was definitely system
21. A profit of 15.2pts from 59
bets. System 6 struggled this month if I’m
honest with only a profit of 2.2pts from 102 bets. Thankfully, 6-21 was kept in check by system
21 this month and ended up with 53 bets and a profit of 11.4pts. Clearly, the 6 bets that system 6 didn’t
agree with cost 6-21 3.8pts profit which is slightly frustrating but then
again, the bets that system 6 had which 21 didn’t have made a substantial loss!
7-21 also went on to have a good month but 8-21 clearly
suffered from a lack of bets. 7-21 made a profit of 6.1pts from 17 bets but
when 8-21 narrowed this down to 8 bets, it was a loss of 0.1pts. Again, a little frustrating if I’m honest but
the systems can’t get it right all the time.
The disappointment of the month was without a shadow of a
doubt, system 22. It had a very large
sample of winning bets on system 21 to pick from but unfortunately for many of
us following, it picked out 13 bets and only found 3 winners for a loss of 4.2pts.
This manifested itself onto 6-22, 7-22 and 8-22 with all 3
systems losing this month. Again, it’s
slightly unfortunate in a sense but how often this season has system 22
narrowed down the bets on system 21 and turned a losing month into a month
winning month? I can’t be too critical
and when you analyse the results on these systems this month, it was simply a
couple of draws instead of wins and that’s resulted in a loss this month. Not overly concerned.
Overall then, the established systems made a profit of 26.8pts
from 299 bets. Not the best month by any
means but still a profit of 9% for outright betting.
The new systems were over the place this month if I’m
honest! The base algorithm had a small
losing month and a loss of 4.2pts from 103 bets on system 31. However, system 32 did very well to narrow
these down to 21 bets and make a profit of 9.1pts! System 33 then narrowed these down to 9 bets
and made a loss of 3.2pts. Quite
difficult to explain really but when you are narrowing down bets to small
samples, variance plays a bigger part than you’d hope.
Interestingly, the best way around it this month was to
cross refer the 3rd algorithm with the first two algorithms. 6-32, 21-31 and 6-21-31 all had very good
months again.
That probably leads us to the enigma that is the Similar
Games Model systems. I praised them last
month as they took over the mantle of the best returns from the new systems
this season after a dreadful start but they’ve let it slip again this
month. I can barely recall an away
winner on these systems this month and it’s another shocking month for these
systems. Hard to put my finger on it but
as I’ve said earlier this season, they are very good at identifying the best
Home bets on my other systems and interestingly, they tend to win overall when
my other systems lose! A poor month again with big losses on all 3 systems and
they continue to be the blacksheep of the TFA family of systems.
They’ve now suffered 4 losing months in 8 live months. When
you think my combined systems have had 3 losing months in 17 months, you can
see that these systems have been disappointing to date! A 3%
ROI for the season means it’s been a poor start this season for these systems
but as discussed last month, I suspect this is about as bad as these systems
can ever be! I still believe that long-term, these will produce better results
than we’ve seen to date. Sure I’ve said
that before in these monthly reviews though. :)
Overall, the new systems created a profit of 14.5pts from 387
bets. Not the best month they’ve ever
had but then again, not the worst month either!
May is going to be a very quiet month but I’ll be back with
the May review in a few weeks once the season is finished.
May 2012
Although I was very proud last month to state that it was
the 7th profitable month in a row for the combined systems, looking
at the returns this month, I can say it was the 8th profitable month
in a row but boy, was it close!
The bare facts will show that the combined systems made a
profit of 0.8% this month. Of course,
one result going the opposite way and it would have ended the winning run but
you know what, if you look at the results this month, I can safely say that the
systems got no luck and if Rotherham had won last weekend (instead of conceding
a 94th minute equaliser), it would have been a profit of about 30%
this month, so although 0.8% looks like a great escape for the systems, it
should have been much better.
Anyway, a profit is a profit no matter how small and after 7
decent months before this month, I’m not going to knock the systems at all.
The established systems made a profit of 5.9pts from 58
games this month for betting outright (10.8% ROI). Looking at the returns
though, you will see better returns were achieved from AH0, AH0.25 and AH0.50,
so this again backs up my belief that the systems were a little unlucky this
The combined systems actually made a profit of 0.2pts from
19 bets. Not the best month but you know what, it beats losing!
I’m fed up discussing how good my systems are at determining
the better bets and how good the systems work at filtering the bets but I’m
sure a few people were disappointed there were no 7/22 or 8/22 bets at all this
month. Well, when you see that 6/22 had
3 bets, with 2 draws and 1 loser, that basically means that if 7/22 or 8/22 had
went for a bet this month, it would have been a losing bet.
I can’t describe how good this feels knowing this and again,
I think this highlights why systems 7/22 and 8/22 are the best systems on the
planet, bar none! Unbelievable performance from both systems this month to have
no bets when 6/22 had 3 losing bets.
Brilliant performance to break-even this month on these two systems. :)
The new systems had a bit of a tougher month with losses on
all systems using DNB ratings but a small profit being achieved on the SGM
Again though, you can see the draw played a bit of a part
with these systems with profits being achieved using AH betting and simply, a
couple of draws turning into a win would have made it a much different month
for the systems.
Overall, it was a loss of 11pts for the new systems from 75
bets this month. Not great but not a disaster by any means. I feel like it’s been a rocky ride for these
new systems this season but I look forward to analysing them over the Summer
and I hope by adding another DNB rating algorithm to the mix I can improve
these returns a little on the new systems next season.
Well, that completes the monthly reviews for the 2011/12
season. 8 winning months out of 9 for
the combined systems, 7 out of 9 winning months for the established
systems and 5 out of 9 winning months
for the new systems in their debut season.